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Burshane LPG (Pakistan) Limited

Health, Safety, Security, and Environment:

At Burshane, we aim to achieve continuous improvement in terms of health, safety, security, and environmental management. We practice a zero-tolerance policy in case of non-compliance with HSSE throughout the supply chain. To ensure proper implementation, we set benchmarks, analyze the business activities critically, and targets for improvement. We measure, appraise and report the performance to give better outcomes in the future.

Like previous records, this year, Burshane has achieved the mark of completing Two Million Man-hours without Last Time Inquiry. This benchmark has proven our focus on health, Safety, Security, and Environment. We have dedicated major resources and implemented various tactics to operate and maintain HSSE. Specifically, the management of BPL demonstrates strong, visible leadership and commitment to operate their HSSE Management system and by example in their personal activities and behaviors. They ensure that all HSSE policies are properly observed and implemented by providing support and resources for actions taken to operate safely and to protect health and the environment and to exert a positive influence on the HSSE management of controllers as they play a major role in achieving a high level of HSSE performance.

To cultivate and to promote an HSSE culture and awareness amongst its stakeholders, the BPL continues with initiatives like safety campaigns planned all across Pakistan. The prime focus of the campaign is “Doing the Right Things” and complies with health and safety rules.

In the context of stakeholders, we promote a culture of safety and security in all our operations and thus winning hearts for any years.

In last year,the initiatives for continuous improvements in the road transport and Haulier HSSE Management systems were carried out. Defending driving courses, toolbox meetings, random vehicle checks, on-road inspection, and circulation of easy to understand HSSE guidelines, are part of our regular activities to further enhance HSSE culture within and outside the organization.

The management continued to review security conditions is taking adequate measures to secure assets and lives of the people associated with the Company.

At Burshane, we are committed to the following HSSE Strategic Objectives that contribute to our excellent HSSE performance. Through our HSSE rules, we ensure: Strict focus on the Goal Zero Approach

  •  No harm to people
  •  Accurate implementation of actions of HSSE Annual Plan
  •  Environmental safety
  •  HSSE to be a prime focus during business operations
  •  No tolerance on health and safety conditions
  •  Competence development for all HSSE Critical Staff


Burshane LPG (Pakistan) Limited commitsto contribute to the sustainable development as the integral
part of our business principles. We put our heart and soul in balancing short and long-term interests. We incorporate economic, environmental, and social factors while business decision-making. We always look for a partnership with civil society to contribute to a healthy sustainable environment. An important element of Sustainable development is early and uninterrupted communication with the respective stakeholders. Burshane’s representatives are in contact with various authorities to help develop policies and standards that will raise the HSSE standards thus benefiting the industry and the people of this country and contributes well when it comes to sustainability and longevity.

Corporate social responsibility is a considerable aspect of Burshane LPG(Pakistan) Limited. We believe education is one of the pillars for any country to become a successfully developed nation keeping this in mind; the company is keen to assist in these specific sectors. Managing today’s business risk, delivering our strategy achieving our goals all critically require maintaining the trust of our wide range of stakeholders. To keep the trust of Stakeholders we must do many things, including behaving with integrity at all times in line with the Company General Business Principles operating our facilities safely being a good neighbor and contributing to development in the societies where we operate.

Burshane LPG (Pakistan) Limited is committed to strive for the protection of the environment by reducing impact and adverse effects resulting from its projects and development activities. We believe in meeting the present needs of humans without endangering the welfare and wellbeing of future generations. With the word environment, we also mean the animal and the protection of them against any inhuman act.

We ensure where ever the company work, it remains committed to refining and improving the way it operates to protect and preserves the environment surrounding its operations. Our aim is to create sustainable communities places where people want to live and work, in present and in the future as well without any danger or insecurity